My first Android phone was the HTC Hero:

This phone was skinned with HTC's Sense UI. It was a great introduction into the Android World. Coming from Nokia's Symbian OS, Android was miles ahead in terms of functionality and touch UI design. Unfortunately the phone didn't make a very lasting impression on me. I was looking for a more natural Google experience and missed having a keyboard that my Nokia N97 had. This led me to my next Android phone:
The Motorola Milestone! This device was shipped with a stock Android OS install and came with the brand new OS v2.1. This device was nice for the short time I had it. It was beautifully constructed.
Although the Milestone satisfied my need for a stock Android experience, I realized the keyboard was of no use to me anymore. It didn't add any value as I was getting quite comfortable with the virtual keyboards available for Android.
So I decided to switch again and laid my hands upon a motherly Android phone!

The Google Nexus One! Made by HTC. This phone was incredible at the time. It really put Android on the map and had some pretty killer specs! Cough*Snapdragon*Cough
This phone lasted me a long one year and five months. Much longer compared to my time with the Hero and Milestone. The Nexus One was my favourite phone for a long time and I did not feel the need to upgrade for quite some time.
2011 rolled around and I wanted to try something new within in the Android realm. I gave this next beast a go:

The Samsung Galaxy S II. This phone was a significant upgrade for me. The original Galaxy S was tempting but I passed on it. This new one was too difficult to pass on. The Galaxy S II became my new baby.
What will be next for me? Will I dive into the iOS world and get my first iPhone? Or will I even take a stab at the new Nokia Windows Phone partnership? Who knows!