ive discovered though, that i still enjoy the cooler weather conditions over super hot steam-room like weather conditions. don't get me wrong im excited for summer, but im not looking forward to the days where i can't even step outside. i have a love-hate relationship with the weather in toronto. i like being able to wear tshirts and shorts in the summer, but i also like not having to sweat all the time in the winter. spring and fall is way too short every year. it's so hard to get the best of both worlds.
this past weekend was pretty enjoyable. i didn't have too much work to do and chinese new years was good to me this year. i cannot complain =).
i have a midterm and assignment due tomorrow. i'm looking forward to the end of this week because next week is reading week! my plans for reading week? im going to stay home, relax and just enjoy the break. im going to try and catch up with work and watch some movies.
i got a new cell phone today. ive wanted this phone for some time now. i will go into more details when the phone arrives. i have to admit, im quite excited!
until next time...
Listening to: Nothing...the professor lecture.
I think an Arnold picture would have been more effective
ya i was debating about that
he was such a disgrace though, to the batman world. i figured ill stick with the animated dude.
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